Press Release

March 28, 2022

Heights residents honor Earth Month with a wide range of  grassroots events 

Earth Month in the Heights is a crowdsourced effort led by the Cleveland Heights Green Team  for Heights’ residents to participate in a wide range of activities and events designed to inspire awareness and advocacy for a healthier and greener Heights. Over thirty events, organized by the community for the community will provide everyone in the Heights with access to transformational action.

The Calendar of Events include a Bike Rally for World Health Day hosted by Bike Cleveland, neighborhoods, green spaces, and community gardens clean ups, nature walks, sustainability forums, the first Heights Sustainability Fair, Cleveland Heights Earth Day 5k run, a book discussion at the Heights Library, and free trees for all University Heights and Cleveland Heights residents who wish to have one or more planted in their yards. 

Earth Month in the Heights seeks to connect local groups and organizations, whose commitment to a more sustainable and healthier way of life in our communities is so valuable but, in some cases, not well recognized. It brings their work into the spotlight and offers residents the opportunity to learn more by participating in one or more of the events and inspire them to join as members or volunteers. Healthy communities welcome everyone to join in making a difference. Some of the local organizations and groups supporting the effort include Friends of Heights Parks, Heights Tree People, Noble Litter Busters, Doan Brook Watershed Partnership, ARTFUL, Future Heights, Boulevard Elementary Learning Garden, Bike Cleveland, Glendon Road Plus Neighbors, Heights Libraries, and the Nature Center at Shaker Heights.


In addition, the Cleveland Heights Green Team is supporting the Ukraine crisis relief efforts by partnering with MedWish International and conducting a discarded medical supplies collection drive as part of Earth Month. The drive emphasizes recycling, reusing, repurposing alternatives as a mechanism to divert waste from the landfill while also giving residents the opportunity to donate supplies to distribute to relief organizations operating in Eastern Europe. To make it easy for residents to drop off donations, the Green Team has organized two collection drives during two community events: the World Health Day Heights Bike Crawl on April 7, 4.00–6.00 p.m. at Boulevard Elementary School, and the Heights Sustainability Fair on April 23, 1–4 p.m. at Coventry PEACE Park.


Earth Month in the Heights is a groundbreaking community initiative intended to affirm that all have the responsibility and power to protect the environment, live healthier lives, and create an equitable, prosperous community for all.

Fri April. 1

Free Tree Planting

Sign Up Here

April 1 - May 31

Boulevard Garden Bed Workdays

Boulevard Elementary School, Cleveland Heights

 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Garden Walk Event in July

Register Here

April 1 - June 30

 Window Display Book Sale

Mac's Backs Books in Coventry

April 1 - May 31

Sat April. 2

Schoolhouse Park Clean Up

14391 Superior Rd, Cleveland Heights

 09:00 AM - 11.00 AM

Boulevard Garden Bed Work Days

Boulevard Elementary School, Cleveland Heights

 09:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Tue April. 5

How to prepare for climate change

Shaker Heights Middle School - Auditorium

07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Wed April. 6

Deyampert Giles: Spring Garden Preparation

Register Here

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ZOOM

Thu April. 7

Neighborhood Bike Rally for World Health Day

Medical Supplies Drive for Ukraine Crisis Relief

Accepted Supplies List

Boulevard Elementary School, Cleveland Heights

04:00 PM - 06:00 PM

Sat April. 9

A Walk in the Park

Register Here

Lower Shaker Lake, Shaker Heights

10:00 AM

Rockefeller Park Stream Sweep

750 E 88th St, Cleveland, OH

12:30 PM - 03:00 PM

Tue April. 12

Dine for a Cause - Support Boulevard Garden

Bottle House 2050 Lee Rd, Cleveland Heights

06:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Local Government and the Environment

League of Women Voters Forum Zoom

 07:00 PM

Thu April.14

Steve Cagan: Will it be Beautiful?

Register Here

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ZOOM

Sat April.16

Cumberland Park Clean Up

1740 Cumberland Rd, Cleveland Heights

9:00 AM

Ambler Park Stream Sweep

Ambler Park

12:30 PM - 03:30 PM

Wed April. 20

Barbara Boyd Park Clean Up

869 Ravine Dr, Cleveland Heights

10:00 AM - 01:30 PM

Earth Day Run 5K

Register Here

Forest Hill Park

6:45 PM

Thu April. 21

Book Discussion: A Terrible Thing to Waste

Heights Library Lee Road, Cleveland Heights

7.00 PM

Sat April. 23

Noble Elementary Campus Litter Pickup

1293 Ardoon St #1601, Cleveland Heights

10.00 AM

Rockefeller's Forest Hill Wooded Lot Clean-up

Corner of Burlington & Mayfield, Cleveland Heights

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Heights Sustainability Fair - Design our Green Future

Medical Supplies Drive for Ukraine Crisis Relief

Accepted Supplies List

Houseplant info & demo with Houseplant Warrior author Raffaele DiLallo

Coventry PEACE Park

01:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Sat April. 23

Earth Spirit Mask Making

Art Acts Studio - Coventry Peace Campus

2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights

 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Sun April. 24

Stormwater grates and street refuse cleanup: Lake Erie starts here

The Walt Park 2301 Fenwick Rd, University Heights

10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Cain Park Clean Up Day

Cain Park 14591 Superior Rd, Cleveland Heights

2:00 PM

Wed April.27

Heights Sustainability Forum

Future Heights- Coventry Peace Campus

2843 Washington Blvd, Cleveland Heights

07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

Thu April.28

Build the Park Presentation and Q&A

Cleveland Heights Community Center

 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

Fri April. 29

Ceremonial Tree Planting and Tree Give Away

Cleveland Heights Community Center

10:00 AM - 03:00 PM

Oxford Elementary School campus litter pickup with Student Council

939 Quilliams Rd, Cleveland Heights

12.30 PM

Sat April. 30

Grow Not Mow - Native Plants Planting

Corner of Courtland Blvd & South Park Blvd

Shaker Heights

10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Family Exploration Day

Register Here

Nature Center, Shaker Heights

10.00 AM

Earth Stewards - Fairmount Presbyterian Church tour

2757 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland Heights

Press Contact

Cleveland Heights Green Team

Catalina Wagers
